Baby wearing: All you Need to Know
The truth is babywearing can give you an enriched experience as you navigate with your baby in tow.
These techniques have been in place for thousands of years, and once you're with a suitable carrier, the entire experience becomes pretty fun and easy.
There are different options about wearing; some believe that wearing your baby may help increase their mood and health. As you read on, we shared some safety concerns and essential benefits of babywearing and features to look out for.
Benefits of Babywearing
Reduces Crying
One of the most daunting challenges faced by most nursing mothers is to cuddle their baby and perform other chores at home. The good news is, you can multitask around the home and still put an end to your baby's tears.
A study was conducted in 1986, the outcome of the research shows that babies who were cuddled tend to fuss and cry less. If you're a nursing mother seeking creative, effective, and safe ways to cuddle your baby, this technique will be a no-brainer!