Essential 2025 Hospital Bag Checklist for Moms-to-Be: What to Pack for Baby Delivery
One of the most important days of your life is just around the corner. Your baby is arriving! Are you excited? We sure are! With your baby’s arrival comes a whirlwind of responsibilities, but it all starts with welcoming them into the world. This means an extended hospital stay, and being thoroughly prepared is key! Since this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, it’s essential to plan ahead and ask yourself, “What should I pack in my hospital bag for delivery?”
In this article, we want to offer you some tips on what to bring in the bag.
6 Essential Items for the Momma
- ID Papers and Insurance Card: Always keep these with you. That means put your ID papers inside your hospital bag because you can't be walking around the hospital undocumented! Especially not with a baby who's about to arrive.
- Hospital Record and Birth Plan: If you have a birth plan prepared, remember to put it in your bags. This paper facilitates the work of the nurses and your life. The same thing happens with hospital records because it helps doctors to remember if you have any condition.
Comfy Clothes and Extra Underwear: Such as a nice bathrobe, slippers, a nightgown, and even socks. Choose clothes that are loose stretchy and comfortable. Moreover, pick garments that you don’t mind getting dirty, and this rule applies to underwear too. Remember to bring extra underwear just for the labor process. Some hospital offers their disposable clothes but some mommas, including myself, don’t think this is comfortable at all. Additionally, consider getting all the clothes you might want to wear after you leave the hospital.
Comfortable Nursing Bras: Don’t forget you are going to breastfeed and your breast are going to feel tender from this new experience. Take your nursing bras with you; these products will make your life easier than eating pie.
Pillow and Towel: Must-Have Comfort Items for Your Hospital Bag:
Your favorite pillow is more than just a bedtime essential—it’s your ultimate comfort companion. That’s why it deserves a spot in your hospital bag. Hospital pillows might not provide the comfort you’re used to, but having your own can make a big difference during your stay. To keep things personal and distinguish it from the standard hospital pillows, bring a colorful or unique pillowcase.
The same goes for towels. Hospital-provided towels are often generic and less cozy. Packing your own soft, absorbent towel can make you feel more at ease and comfortable during your stay. Prioritize your comfort—it’s a game-changer for this special experience!
- Toiletries: Every momma wants to look magnificent after delivery. I mean, we all want to receive our baby with the best face possible. And the photos, remember the photos! You should take every item you deem necessary for doing a quick fix after labor. Put items such as shampoo, soap, lotion, perfume, brush, and toothbrush in your hospital bag.

3 Items for the Baby
Car Seat: This is important! It doesn’t matter if your partner is driving or if your parents are going to take you home because the car seat must be installed in the car. I know what you are saying "This doesn’t go inside the hospital bag." But trust me, if it would fit, I would probably put it there.
- Going Home Outfit: Your little piece of heaven can’t roam around naked during his or her first day in the work. Prepare a going home outfit that includes socks or booties. Furthermore, add a cap for protecting your baby’s head. Your baby’s outfit should have legs so that you can strap the seatbelt of the car seat better.
- Receiving Blanket: The hospital will provide a blanket for carrying your baby, but you might want to bring your blanket for taking your baby inside the car. If the weather is freezing, you should pack a heavy blanket.
Check Everything with Your Partner or Loved Ones!
Make a list and recheck everything after finishing the bag. Try to wait until you buy everything, that way you won’t have to check it over and over again. Additionally, a family member can help you. We’re not perfect, and sometimes we might forget essential items.
When to Pack the Bag?
Try to pack the bag during the eight-month because you might go into labor sooner than you expect it. Now, if you want to have the bag ready even before that then, by all means, do it! The sooner, the better.
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