“I knew that I couldn't wait forever”: The stories of 5 single moms.
“I knew that I couldn't wait forever”: The stories of 5 single moms.
Taking the decision of being a single mom could be a simple or a hard choice. Many women decided to venture themselves into this world because they can’t find support from the father of the baby or simply because they don’t want a father figure in their lives.
Are you going through any of these experiences? I believe this article will be of big help for you. I want to give you 5 beautiful stories of 5 women who decided to have a baby by themselves and make a wonderful job at it.
I took these testimonies from What To Expect wonderful forum. I highly recommend you to check it out for other points of view.
I decided to start the process to have a baby. I knew that I couldn't wait forever.
This is R’s story: “About a year and a half ago, right around my 35th birthday and after being single for a very long time, I decided to start the process to have a baby. I knew that I couldn't wait forever, and not having a family is something that I knew I would absolutely regret if I didn't do it. So, after numerous surgeries, IUI and IVF, I'm having a baby (by myself!) My family is super supportive, and I am excited for what I know is going to be a rewarding and very challenging road ahead.”
But I was planning on breaking off the relationship then I found out I was pregnant.
This is N’s story: “Just turned 38, two miscarriages, no living children. Just got my BFP. Father is a long time friend that I was dating. He is 40 no children and never been married. We were not really trying but not preventing either. We are both financially stable and responsible. But I was planning on breaking off the relationship when I found out I was pregnant. I don't want to hurt his feelings and he is beyond excited but I want to co-parent, but not be with him. I know I can do it by myself. We live in different states so I guess you could say I will be a single parent and honestly I'm super excited about it.”
It has literally been the best decision I've ever made in my life.
This is C’s story: “I used a donor and it has literally been the best decision I've ever made in my life. It's not always easy, or glamorous, but it is ALWAYS worth it. My beautiful boy is almost 6 months and he is so loved. My family has rallied around me and I am so proud to be a single parent by choice. I would love to chat more with you about our experiences!”

Being a single mother for many years was SO rewarding.
This is L’s story: “ I was a single mom by choice (well I knew my first son's father and I were NOT meant to be even before I got pregnant) and left him when my son was 6 months old. He is now 5 and I have been a single mom for the majority of those years. 2 1/2 years ago I met my current baby's father and he is now like a father to my older son. I would not change a thing. Being a single mother for many years was SO rewarding/challenging. I got to be the one to make every decision for my son. It's different now having a partner to have to work through parenting with.”
She is the most amazing and precious thing that has ever happened to me.
This is H’s story: “I am a single mother by choice as well. I just had my beautiful little girl January 2018. I decided to have a baby on my own when I was 27 and found out I was pregnant a month before my birthday. My little one is just shy of 3 months old now and there is only one regret I have and that's not doing it a little bit sooner. She is the most amazing and precious thing that has ever happened to me.”
To conclude, it really doesn’t matter what type of mother you decided to be, every type of motherhood is important. Needless to say, single motherhood does carry a lot more difficulties that co-parenting, but if some women have done it, why can’t you?
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